Holiday Pay Time & $$ Calculator
Enter Trip Information and click "Calculate" !

All trip information can be found on Key pages other than Time away on the holiday(Toh)
Don't forget to add briefing or debriefing time if you depart or arrive on the holiday.

Bid = Bid/Pay time for Trip found on Key Pages
Away = Total Time away for Trip found on Key Pages
Toh = Time Away on Holiday (include Check-in and or Debriefing time if on holiday)
Holiday Pay time= Extra Pay Hours for the trip
hh=Hours  mm=Minutes
(Bid time for trip / Time away) x Time on the Holiday  

Bid hh mm Away hh mm Toh hh mm Holiday Pay Hrs
Total Pay Hrs
 Enter Your Pay Rate (hourly pay) $          
The pay rate is initially set for a FA who has reached max pay flying internationally. Other pay rates have to be entered manually. See below for Pay Rates and Holidays

V B1.4 12/12/2005
added Paid Holidays in the United States

Dom Int
YEAR 1/7/2005 1/7/2005
1 $17.22 $17.73
2 $18.20 $18.72
3 $19.37 $19.88
4 $19.91 $20.43
5 $22.57 $23.08
6 $29.69 $33.04
7 $31.29 $34.63
8 $32.06 $35.33
9 $33.10 $36.49
10 $34.16 $37.20
11 $34.91 $38.05
12 $35.73 $38.98
13 $36.52 $39.73
14 $37.08 $40.25

United States

1. New Year’s Day
2. Independence Day
3. Thanksgiving Day
4. Christmas Day
5. Flight Attendant’s Birthday

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